Friday, November 13, 2009

More on Gino

Gino's personality is asserting itself more and more as he feels more secure. He's rolling over for belly rubs, loves his walks, will jump up so I can lift him into the car, ... He was left alone at my mom's house (with 2 other dogs so he wasn't lonesome) yesterday and didn't get into too much trouble. Today he'll be left home with Kirby while I run some errands so I can see how he does at our house. I'm guessing he's going to knock down the barricades but I'll close up all the rooms where he might get into trouble and will pick up any trashcans that he might find of interest. Hopefully he'll just hang with Kirby and take a nap. Fortunately he learned how to use the dog door and knows to do his business outside so the house training finished up pretty quickly.

More on the adventures of Gino later ...

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