A bunch of Etsy folks are doing a blog challenge to learn more about one another and to help promote each other. The goal is to blog about a fellow challenger every day. As I read the list I was drawn to the name ContasBrasil since it's just an interesting name. Turns out this is an Etsy store with 4 designers! They are Suzy Wortberg, BebĂȘ de Soares, Ana Vilas Boas and a new addition Sandra Fukelmann. As I browsed their store -
ContasBrasil on ETSY - I was absolutely delighted by the wonderful colors they use. Check this out:
3V-LagoonIsn't it just gorgeous!
And if you love green (I do!) here's another beauty:
Green/Lavanda FIELDSThese are just a few wonderful designs from some very talented women so check out their store if you want to see more wonderful designs! And if you want to learn more about these women and see who they're featuring go check out their blog at
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